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TISROOT – a membership management B2B2C app

TISROOT is a digital cloud computing automation solution app acclaimed for driving secure sustainable and a communication tool with unique broadcast features serves below sectors in India 🌿associations🌿community centres🌿 trusts and societies🌿 Social Governance TISROOT...
TISROOT- Data Safety Policy terms and conditions

TISROOT- Data Safety Policy terms and conditions

Privacy Policies of  Trust Infosys Incorporation “the company” and  https://www.truinfosys.com “the website”  for TISROOT “the app”  This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how Trust Infosys Incorporation  (“the Company”...

Process Behind Screen (PBS) – 8

Footer Screen (footer.dart) Code Description:  `CommonFooter` Class The `CommonFooter` class is a Flutter widget that represents a common footer used in multiple screens of the application. It typically displays information about the application version and...